How to Create Architecture Portfolio Website

This tutorial will teach you how to build a Completely responsive architecture website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You will learn how to use CSS media queries to create responsive layouts that resize and adapt to different screen sizes. You will also learn how to use JavaScript to create scrolling menus and sliders. How to Create Architecture Portfolio Website – Build A Responsive Architecture Portfolio Website With HTML CSS And JavaScript Tutorial

How to make a complete Architecture website with hero section design, and call to action button all features are developed with HTML CSS and JavaScript.
Please follow our video tutorial and learn how to create the website and how to use frontend website development technologies like HTML CSS and javascript.

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In Figure 1.14 we can see the automation for the ABABAC string. The start state is when no character has been matched. Every time we match one character we go to next state with black edge, when we go to final state we are done. The red arrow indicates which state to go to if there is a mismatch. By comparing the table in Figure 1.12, the failure table and the graph above actually mean the same thing.

Now we have 2 problems, 1st is to create the failure table, 2nd is to match using it.

How to Create Architecture Portfolio Website – Build A Responsive Architecture Portfolio Website With HTML CSS And JavaScript Tutorial

First we create the failure table. We will write a function called failure[]

will create an array of size m named, for the string “ABABAC” the array will be:








Be careful with indexing here. By failure[i] we do not mean the index number i of the string, but i

I mean the length prefix.

Now consider i

I don’t know the value of failure[i] for the length prefix but I somehow already figured out the value of failure[length] for all lengths up to 0<=i<=length. Now I’ll see how many matches I get for a string of length i–1 and see if I can make the match longer using the characters I’m currently at.

In Figure 1.15 we are trying to find the value of failure[10]. We go to the previous character and look at the value of failure[i–1] to understand how many prefix-suffix matches have already been made. Then try to match the current character with the next character (the yellow cell in Figure 1.15). If it did match then the value of failure[10] would be failure[9]+1=4+1=5. But since there is no match, we move on to the next best matching and get that at failure[failure[i−1]]:

Now the two characters in the yellow cell are matched, that is, for i=10 “ABA” matches the suffix and prefix of length 3, so failure[10] will have a value of 3.


Our base case will be, failure[0]=failure[1]=0

. For the remaining 2<=i<=length we can find the failure[i] value by looking at the previous ones. Look at the code below:

Once the failure table is generated we can start string matching. Before writing the code, you should simulate the automation graph one by one in pen. We will have two pointers i and j. Let i tell you what state of automation we are in, that is, how many prefixes have already matched and j tell you which character in the text you are matching with. If text[j]==pattern[I]

then we increment the values of i and j and try to match again, i.e. move along the black arrow of automation (Figure 1.14). But if text[j]!=pattern[i] then we will start matching again from the suffix-prefix match using failure table, ie i=failure[i]. And if we see that i=0 but we still can’t match then we have to increment the value of j and start matching again from the next character of the text.

The time complexity of KMP algorithm is O(n + m). I wrote earlier about Robin-Karp, another algorithm for linear time string matching. But the performance of Robin-Karp for hash collisions can deteriorate in many cases, in most cases matching using KMP is advantageous.

In programming contests, problems that can be solved using KMP directly are not often found, but problems that can be solved using properties of the failure function are often found. I will discuss some such problems in the next article. That’s all for now, happy coding!

Euler Tour (Fleury and Haerhözler Algorithm)

Many of us know what Euler circuit/path is and how to find out if there is an Euler circuit/path in a graph, but not many people know how to find out if there is an Euler circuit/path in a graph. Today we will learn that.

Let’s take a look at what Euler circuits and paths are. An Euler circuit is a path of a graph that ends at the node it started at but uses each edge exactly once. And an Euler path is a path in a graph that starts at any node and ends at another node but uses each edge exactly once.

A directed graph has an Euler circuit if the graph is connected and each node has equal outdegree and indegree.

An undirected graph has an Euler circuit if the graph is connected and the degree of each node is even.

A directed graph will have an Euler path if and only if the graph is connected and only 2 nodes have outdegree and indegree difference of 1.

is and the outdegree and indegree of all remaining nodes are equal. indegree=outdegree–1 for start node and outdegree=indegree–1 for end node

  will be

How to Create Architecture Portfolio Website – Build A Responsive Architecture Portfolio Website With HTML CSS And JavaScript Tutorial

  An undirected graph will have an Euler path if the graph is connected if only 2 nodes have odd degrees (the start and end nodes) and all other nodes have even degrees.

Here, directed graph means connected graph, if we imagine the graph as undirected then there will be at least one path from each node to each node.

The Euler path problem, also known as the Königsberg bridge problem, is discussed in detail in my book Graph Algorithms. It is very easy to find out whether there is an Euler circuit or path in a graph, but finding the circuit or path is a little more difficult, today I will discuss that.

A well-known algorithm for finding Euler circuits/paths is Fleury’s algorithm. The algorithm was first published in 1883, giving you an idea of how old graph theory is.

To understand Fleury’s algorithm, we need to know what a bridge is in a graph. An undirected bridge is an edge which, if deleted from the graph, makes the graph disconnected. When we work with directed graph, we will imagine that the graph is undirected while finding the bridge, that is, we will extract the bridge from the ‘underlying undirected graph’.

How to Create Architecture Portfolio Website – Build A Responsive Architecture Portfolio Website With HTML CSS And JavaScript Tutorial

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