CSS Spotlight Text Animation

HTML CSS Tutorial: The following tutorial demonstrates how to create CSS animation with an element highlighting the text. This tutorial is free and open source and can be used for any website design. CSS Animation Spotlight Text Animation with HTML CSS JavaScript

We are going to walk through a simple tutorial on how to make a simple animation. It’s a text animation that follows the cursor.

Data Structure: Stack

Stack is one of the first data structures taught in any data structure course. The stack is called a LIFO or last-in-first-out data structure. You can think like this, you have many books arranged on top of each other, you can remove the top book (Pop), or put another book on top (Push). This is a stack of books. You can’t put books anywhere except on top of this stack, you can’t move any books except on top, if you do that it won’t be a stack anymore.

A stack is a collection of elements. There are two types of operations:

  Push(new_element): Push the new element onto the stack. If the stack is initially empty, then the first object to be placed.

  Pop(): Remove the object from the top of the stack. This operation is not possible if the stack is initially empty.

CSS Animation Spotlight Text Animation with HTML CSS JavaScript

Figure 1 shows how to perform push and pop operations on the stack. Another operation on the stack may be Peek(), which can be used to find the topmost object without popping the object.

If the size of the stack is limited, such as if no stack can hold more than 10 objects, then pushing the 11th object will cause the stack to go into an “overflow” state and crash your program. Similarly trying to pop something from an empty stack will cause the stack to go into an ‘underflow’ state and crash the program. One has to be very careful about these two things while using stack.

Stack is very easy to implement. Stacks of fixed size can be implemented using simple arrays. The index of the topmost element should be saved in an additional variable. Below is an implementation in Python, you can do the same in C++:

I did not handle any overflow or underflow in this code. You can work on these things if you want to improve the code. If you don’t want a fixed-size stack, use a linked-list.

The complexity of each operation on the stack is O(1).

Usage of Stack:

We often press the “Back” button on the browser to go back to the previous website. It can also be created using stack. When going to a new website, put the previous website on the top of the stack, if you want to go back, go back to the website at the  This way you can build an “undo” feature into your software.

Stacks have a very important use when calling functions in programming languages. Suppose you call func2 from a function func1, then call func3 from there:

func_1() has some local variables. When you call func_1() from func_2(), the new function func_2() is loaded by putting all the data from func_1() onto a stack. Again, when you call func_3(), func_2() will be pushed onto the stack. If there are n+1 functions then when the nth function is n+1

When the th function is called, the stack will look like this:

After func_3() is finished, func2() will be loaded into memory and popped from the stack. This is called the call-stack. Recursive functions also put previous states onto the stack in this way.

Hackers sometimes use a type of attack called “stack smashing”.

A very common use of the stack is to check that the balance of the bracket is correct (Parenthesis Balance). Suppose you are given a bracketed sequence S like “(({})”. You have to say whether the sequence is balanced or not. The balance is balanced if the following conditions are met:

      If S is a 0-length string.

      If A and B are two balanced sequences then AB is also a balanced sequence. For example, if GA = “(){}” and B = “()” are two balanced sequences, then AB = “(){}()” is also balanced.

      If S is a balanced sequence then (S) or {S} is also balanced. For example S=”{}()” is balanced then (S) = “({}())” is also a balanced sequence.

Some unbalanced sequences are “((” , “({)}”, ()(}” etc.

Now we’ll check if S=”(({})” is balanced or not using the stack. We’ll work with one character from left to right. If we find an “open bracket” we’ll push it onto the stack.

The first character in this sequence is “(“), we will push it onto a stack.

I will also push them:

The next character is “}”. When we get to the closing bracket we’ll see what’s on the stack:

  If the stack is empty then the sequence is not balanced.

CSS Animation Spotlight Text Animation with HTML CSS JavaScript

  If the current character is “)” then there must be “(“ on top of the stack.

On top of our stack we have “{“ which matches “}”. We will not do anything with “}” but pop “{“ off the stack.

After all the work, it appears that there is still one bracket left in the stack that cannot be matched with anyone! That means our bracket sequence is not balanced. If balanced the stack would definitely be empty after dealing with all the characters.

We’ve already written the code for the stack, now let’s write the code to balance the brackets:

Solve the UVA 674 problem to check if you understand the algorithm.

Another important use of the stack is to find the value of a mathematical equation, such as (1+(2+5)∗3)+(5∗7)

Given such an equation, it is not very easy to find the value. But if written in reverse polish notation, the value can be retrieved very easily with the stack. Now you can easily learn it from wikipedia, I won’t go into details, my job is just to tell you the basics, but if you want to do well, there is no alternative to learning it yourself 🙂

The difference between bridge and articulation point pseudocode should be written in an empty space in line 15 instead of d[u]<=low[v] d[u]<low[v]. You can easily understand why this works if you understand the sudocode, so I won’t explain.

However, this will not work if there are multiple edges between two nodes. Then think about what to do!

Happy coding.

CSS Animation Spotlight Text Animation with HTML CSS JavaScript

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