Complete Coffee Shop – Cafe House Website Design Template Using HTML – CSS – JavaScript – 100% Free Website Create. Sure, I’d be happy to provide some tips for designing a website for a cafe house!
Investors are losing interest in bank shares in the stock market. Because of this, there are no buyers for the newly listed bank shares in the market. Due to this, the share price of the two banks listed last year has been stuck at the lowest price level or floor price for a long time.
Changing the way education is delivered is a different challenge. But, ‘Scratch’ has removed the barrier of learning programming language that is in the language itself. The attempt was to create a language that would have land far below, roof far above and room to move. That is, it can be learned quickly, once learned it can be applied from patchy to patchy, and from the front bench to the back bench—everyone can find their own way to learn.
Next week, we’ll see how Scratch tackles these issues.
The success of the new language lies in keeping these three things in mind. Especially the third — accommodating the different learning styles of different students. In Saimindu’s words — “He who had a penchant for drawing, learned some programming to draw. Who has a passion for programming, he drew a few pictures.” Both but future I.T. Not thinking of becoming the leader of the sector. A little creator latent in himself is only pulling out the artist. They’re learning by doing what they love — whether it’s making games or telling stories. Trying to learn a h-j-b-r-l language, that question does not even come to their mind.
Let’s give some examples to make it simple:
A 13-year-old boy once made a game, but couldn't figure out how to keep score. A professor from the Scratch team taught him how to create variables in Scratch. The boy was overjoyed, showering the professor with thanks. Later, the professor wondered if it had ever happened that the student was so happy to learn variables in algebra class!
Or let’s say, this project is about Jamini Roy style painting. As it turns out, the creator has a penchant for drawing (and a hand for drawing). The makers of ‘Scratch’ say, no, what’s the harm in that? The way that feels comfortable, do not come from that side! Whose drawing hand, he will not be given a place in the class, how about this?
This project is made by a boy from Bangalore. In geography class, he learned that the Earth has many layers beneath it, which move relative to each other. Hearing this, he enthusiastically told everyone through this animation what he felt. Filled with music, voice-overs, and other details, this animation was made by a twelve-year-old boy, it’s amazing to think!
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Here you will find a compilation of various festivals. The children happily recount their favorite times of the year here.
Therefore, as you can see, these children are learning much more complex things than what can be learned in a computer lab for one or two hours a week! Learning because they are creating something that has a deep meaning to them!
Besides, the language has been tried to be as concise as possible. So called syntax errors or grammar mistakes are very difficult to make. If the blocks don’t fit together, you’ll know you’re making a mess somewhere. For example, blocks that determine when or how often tasks occur are yawned, so that the task blocks can be hummed in their yawning faces.
Another thing must have noticed. These blocks have a hexagonal shell. There will sit what is called condition. If the condition is met, tasks inside the nested block will start or finish. Now another hexagonal block can be placed in that hexagonal shell, which cannot be placed. Those of us who have done programming know that the condition comes from answering a yes-no question. It is called Boolean value. The yes-no question blocks are hexagonal in shape, so that the loops fit into the hexagonal nests of the loop block.
Complete Coffee Shop – Cafe House Website Design Template Using HTML – CSS – JavaScript – 100% Free
As you can see, there is no syntax error, i.e. breaking the rules of the language. You can see how low the land is.
Also, have you seen someone who can’t read English letters but is learning programming? Since ‘scratch’ is just some instructions on a picture, you can learn ‘scratch’ in any other language just by translating the instructions! and has been translated into many languages. Not knowing English is not an obstacle to learn programming!
After all this there are millions of small teachers around the world to rescue if stuck. On the other hand, there is no shortage of people to appreciate if you put something down. Since the entire game, even coding, is being done online, all social media tools are in place. Share, comment, re-share and, since every project is open-source, remix it as your own — it all happens in the ‘scratch’ community. And sharing is encouraged. Projects that are re-shared by the most people are featured on the homepage. The creators of ‘Scratch’ have been vigilant in order not to develop a tendency to keep the intellectual property in procession.
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It has an unexpected effect on students. Collaboration or joint ventures are almost non-existent in the world of education. Saymindu says, “Our education comes from above — from older, experienced teachers. We don’t think about the opportunity to learn from our peers. However, if it is big then collaboration is the winner.” Some incredible examples of this collaboration have been seen in the ‘scratch’ community.
For example, a fifteen-year-old girl from England made some fun animations. Seeing that, a ten-year-old girl in England requested him, please make a background for my project. The two started a “company” that they claimed could make high-quality video games. A fourteen-year-old boy from New Jersey, America, joined it. He made it into the company with his programming skills. Such real-life preparation for the world of children is not possible within the rigid curriculum of ordinary schools.
Some pioneers at the MIT Media Lab predicted that computers would one day break the rigid curriculum and lead the way in education. Seymour Papert is one of them. ‘Scratch’ may be a recent phenomenon, but it was pioneered by Papert. Papert’s visionary thinking has led to today’s new education. But I will talk about that another day. I leave you to the world of Scratch for now. See if you can tell the story that was spinning in your head with the help of scratch.
Complete Coffee Shop – Cafe House Website Design Template Using HTML – CSS – JavaScript – 100% Free

Complete Coffee Shop – Cafe House Website Design Template Using HTML – CSS – JavaScript – 100% Free
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