Potential of Artificial Intelligence

Today we learn the Potential of Artificial Intelligence.

Everyone already knows that the fourth industrial revolution will bring artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence. We are already enjoying many benefits of artificial intelligence. Which is actually very little. In a few years, it will be used everywhere on a larger scale. Insha-Allah, I will see this revolution. The Potential of Artificial Intelligence.

We, humans, spend most of our lives learning. Then when I became fairly expert, I died suddenly. eat Every person has to learn differently. Again, we have less capacity to work. After working for 3-4 hours we get tired. Those who are superman type may work for 8-10 hours. However, for those who work more, there is little doubt about the quality of their work. Superman is different.

The potential of Artificial Intelligence

But the machine is free from these. If you can teach any one machine, thousands of billions of machines can be used. Software is created only once, right? After that, it can be used on any computer, and so on. Again, the machines do not need to rest. Can work 24 hours. Are any parts damaged? Just replace it. Started working again.

Machine learning requires a lot of data. And so now whoever has the most data is the biggest guy. Facebook, Google, and Amazon are not as big as they are now, they will be bigger in the future. For most things in our lives, we will stick to these few companies. The reason? They will have trained machines. Which you have to use. If not you will fall behind. Your business will lag behind. You have to buy services from them to survive. As we now buy electricity, and gas, we have to buy artificial intelligence services.

Wait! The fact is that we are already buying. Not giving Facebook ads? It is a trained machine. That shows your ad to the right user. Google has various cloud services. Think of Google Maps for example. It tells us where there are jams, how much it will take to get somewhere, etc. This information is giving us free right? Free is actually collecting data from us. And the big companies are selling that data as a service. Think of Uber for example. But Uber is using Google Maps API. And for that Google has to pay a lot of money. This Google map is also a trained machine.

Think about self-driving cars. Just train a car. The remaining billions of cars can be driven or driven by the software of that car. Now the most accurate machine/software that can train a car to drive, everyone will buy, right? If he tries to train software himself from the beginning, he will waste both time and resources at the same time. What will he do about this? Buy the service from whoever has the most accurate driverless car software.

I gave three examples. Now come with possibilities or ideas. Even if we want to, Google cannot be like Facebook. I can’t provide big services like them or I can’t train big things like them. But we can train some small machines if we want. The machine can be trained here whether it is software or hardware. For example, you can train a mosquito-killing robot. A small device, which will find and kill all mosquitoes from all corners of the house. If you can train such a machine, you can sell your service to any hardware company. Although it seems like a small idea, think about one device in everyone’s home, running your trained software. Multiply by any number and you will reach billions easily. Mosquitoes are just one example. There are thousands of such examples. For example, a machine for killing insects in any vegetable field, a machine for collecting ripe fruits, a machine that serves everything like a worker during a meal, and many more. Well, train any machine to become a billionaire. The reason I gave the idea? There are thousands of ideas that can work if the application of artificial intelligence is done correctly. Only one left to work on. The world remains to be changed. And we can change the world.

When not to use React Native?

When developing complex or heavy games that require extensive visualization features, high level customization, substantial user interaction, and lots of work going on in the background, it’s best to use native development rather than React Native. In these cases, native development works faster than writing a native wrapper.
Some misconceptions about React Native
With React Native you can develop one app instead of two:

You still need to develop an app for each platform – Android apps and iOS apps have different needs. So you only need one team. If you share most of the code, it’s easier to work and the whole process is faster.

With React Native you create hybrid apps:

Hybrid applications built with frameworks like Apache Cordova are WebView applications with access to hardware features. Its components operate natively on a scripting language layer of React Native. Application logic is written in JavaScript.
Limitations of React Native

Like other frameworks, React Native has some limitations along with its advantages.

 Some features of Android and iOS apps have to work separately.
 Knowledge of native application development is required if the application has heavy computational operations.
 Dependencies on third-party libraries may cause some security-related issues.
 Slightly less performance than native apps. Because cross platform runs a bit slower than native platform. But most of the time it doesn't affect the user experience.
 React Native uses numerous APIs, third-party libraries, and native components that make the app heavy. To overcome this problem, native libraries optimize, compress images, and convert JSON data to static objective IDs.
 In many cases memory can be consumed while running complex processes in the backend. That's why you need to use the profiling tools in Android Studio or Xcode to identify the cause of memory consumption and memory consumption runtime.

The future of React Native development

The big advantage of using React Native is that it helps you build a native application without understanding languages like Objective-C, Java, Kotlin or Swift. So applications can be developed for platforms like iOS, Windows Phone, virtual reality headsets and helmets, and Android.

React Native is a project of Facebook. The React Native team is currently making the library more lightweight by reducing the API surface area, thereby improving application speed. A JavaScript engine called Hermes is in the works to improve performance on Android. Tech companies like Tesla, Airbnb, Samsung, Wix are working with React Native.

According to Google, the React Native framework has grown in popularity over the past three years and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.
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