Potential of Artificial Intelligence


Today we learn the Potential of Artificial Intelligence. Everyone already knows that the fourth industrial revolution will bring artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence. We are already enjoying many benefits of artificial intelligence. Which is actually very little. In a few years, it will be used everywhere on a larger scale. Insha-Allah, I will see this … Read more

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


Learn about: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence is one of the most important topics of the present and future. We call machine intelligence artificial intelligence. And intelligence is the ability to acquire knowledge and apply it. Extraction of machine knowledge is machine learning. The two together mean learning and applying artificial … Read more

Concepts and our position on artificial intelligence


In this article, we discuss: Concepts and our position on artificial intelligence A computer or any machine is a stupid box. Interaction is required to use them. By using programming language we give some instructions to the computer or any machine, and the computer or machine works accordingly. Concepts and our position on artificial intelligence. … Read more